Thursday, May 25, 2017

Swim Team

Carmen decided she was ready to join the Sheridan Beach swim team this year and swim practice kicked off this week.  She was excited but a little bit nervous.  Swimming for a long time (40 minutes) five days a week is a little daunting for our girl.  She's used to the swimming pool being for fun swimming, not the serious stuff.  But, she's doing it and is doing it well.  There were no tears and no pushback, yet.  She is swimming the whole length of the pool (mostly, with the occasional grabbing onto the lane line for a rest).  She insists that a swim cap will make her faster, so of course, that's on the list of things to do. 

In watching the collective group of 8 and unders swim, I'm continually amazed at what great swimmers they are.  Most of them know all 4 strokes and have good technique.  It's so fun to watch.  I'm excited to see how much Carmen progresses. In just four practices already, she's improved. 

Max is learning how to be a patient spectator.  Mostly he asks to play on our phones.  I keep telling him he needs to watch in case he decides he's ready to give swim team a try next year.

While the swimming is great exercise, it also is tuckering out our six year old.  She is tired after practice and this week, her tiredness got the best of her and turned into quite a tantrum.  After the drama died down, she recognized her behavior was wrong and wrote an apology.  Perhaps she was more concerned about earning back her play date and sleepover than actually recognizing how she behaved was inappropriate, but we'll take it.  This one is a the best guess spelling.  (translations: srreye = sorry, atitt = acted, ateing = acting)

Monday, May 22, 2017

School Carnival

Now that Carmen goes to 'big kid' school, there are lots of fun activities and events.  Most recently was the all school carnival.  Games, activities, face painting, prizes and treats.  It was certainly well attended and a fun time was had by all.  While Carmen opted mostly for the face painting and the games where she could take home the most loot, both kids loved the dunk tank and surprisingly dunked their fair share of teachers and staff. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Star Performer

Last weekend Carmen was in her first school musical. 
She had a teeny tiny part as a group of Kindergartens through 2nd graders. 
She participated in an afterschool enrichment drama class offered through school.
They were the opening number to the school's production of Singin' in the Rain Jr. 

She was super excited, but a little nervous. 
When the big night came, she helped make it rain on stage, then sang and danced to one song.
She was proud, we were proud and she was adorable
(with extra help from an umbrella hat for the performance). 
She shared the stage with some good friends and loved watching the big kids perform
the rest of the show.  They did a great job for a complicated storyline with lots and lots of singing.

It was a great dramatic experience and a shining moment for our little shining star. 

For your viewing pleasure.
Yellow shirt, back row,
right in front of the piano.

Umbrella heads ready to go on stage.

Singin' in the Rain Jr. best buddies.

Making it rain!

For me?!
What's a performance on stage without a few flowers?

Silly Kindergarten girls goofing off at intermission.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Lunch Time

Enjoying a 'picnic' style lunch outdoors on a sunny afternoon with the Kindergarten girls.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Vancouver Half

Last weekend two friends and I ventured to Vancouver for the second year in a row to run the Vancouver half marathon.  The weather was beautiful and the company couldn't be beat.

We ran-- I was sore and tired but enjoyed the scenery of the course, winding through downtown and then into Stanley Park. 

We celebrated--cheers to 13.1 miles.

We enjoyed the sunshine--a lazy afternoon in Stanley Park following the main event, enjoying soaking up the rays.

We shopped, treated ourselves to Pedis and had a fabulous rooftop dinner. All and all, I wonderful way to spend the weekend! 

Friday, May 5, 2017

Collector Carmen

We all know Carmen is quite the collector.  This week she proudly emptied the contents of her coat pocket.  Um, more than 20 little treasures tucked away.  I'm amazed at her ability to cart all of it around.  Her coats are always so heavy.  Truth be told, most of it is garbage or what I would consider trash can worthy--miscellaneous beads, string, a pin,  a dime, a sticker, rocks, wood chips...but, it makes her happy, so I guess it makes us happy!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Max is finally playing T-ball. 
He's been wanting to play 'baseball' for quite sometime and the time has come. 
He is hitting, fielding, throwing and having fun with team Dragons.