Thursday, February 23, 2017

Girl Scout Cookie Time!

Thanks to everyone who ordered and helped support Carmen's troop.
She is loving cookie season.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Long Weekend

The kids and I took advantage of the long weekend and made our annual girls and kids trip to Deception Pass.  10 kiddos and 5 moms.  It was crazy, chaotic and lots of fun.  There was beach combing, crab finding, movie watching, walks, lots of art and games played.  The weather was a bit iffy so we got outside as much as we could and then took to inside activities.The kids kept each other entertained and the moms had a chance to sit and catch-up too.  A good balance.  Hooray for friends and fun traditions. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

...from our little loves to yours!

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Letter 'P'

This week Max's class has been busy working on the letter 'P.'  To help celebrate and have some fun, today the class had a pancake and pajama party.  Pre-school is the best!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Snow Time

This weekend we headed to the mountains for some inner tubing fun. It's always exciting to see the snow and have some play time.  Carmen was way into the tubing and was extra jazzed because she could go down by herself.  She however wasn't a fan of having to pull her own tube and walk up the rather steep hill.  A good workout nonetheless.  Max was more interested in trying to build a snowman and throw snow balls rather than tubing.  He wasn't a fan of the snow hitting his face as he went down the hill.  There was ALOT of snow coming down and we spent a fair amount of time inside warming up.  But all in all, it was a fun snow adventure.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Tooth #2

Today Carmen lost her second tooth.  After having a wiggly tooth for weeks, it finally came out while she was eating breakfast.  She must have been extra hungry since she ended up eating (or rather swallowing) her tooth.  There was a moment of panic when she realized she didn't have anything to leave for the Tooth Fairy.  The problem was quickly resolved when we decided she could write a note.  This is a common problem the Tooth Fairy encounters all the time I'm sure.  Now, getting ready for tooth #3.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Sigh, it's been more than two weeks since my last post, closer to three.  For some reason the last few weeks have been keeping us busy and any posts have fallen to the bottom of the 'to do' list.  Nothing overly exciting going on, just busy living life.  A good life.

Here are a few updates on the happenings.

Max started swimming lessons and is enjoying remembering how to be a fish.  He is excited to be in the 'big kid' class and is acclimating himself to the water again.

Max is also perfecting his soccer skills with two soccer classes.  Soccer seems to be his 'thing' these days and he can't get enough.  It's soccer AllTheTime around here.  Inside soccer, outside soccer, playing soccer on the iPad, on and on.

Carmen is keeping busy too with her activities. 

She is enjoying gymnastics which she is taking with a friend.  She loves the bars the best and I love the entire hour of quiet I get when I get to watch.

She's taking a world of Dance class as an after school activity where she's learning about different countries, their cultures and doing some dancing.  Last week she came home with moves to the can-can.

She joined a Daisy troop this year where 8 fun and silly girls are eagerly selling cookies, doing crafts and learning about contribuiting to their community.

I certainly have my chauffer hat on but am enjoying watching the kids grow, learn and do things they enjoy.

In addition to the kids' stuff, we have been loving the rain-free weather the last few days and have taken advantage of bike rides and some playing outside.  While it's still cold, the clear, crisp days are welcomed.  We've been busy with family functions, birthday parties and even some grown-up only outings.  Needless to say, 2017 is off to a busy but great start!