Friday, January 13, 2017

Kindness Counts

Today I was at Costco with Max.  Of course we had to make a trip to the food court for some lemonade.  I gave Max the full cup to hold for a moment while I got some napkins.  In the ten seconds he was holding the drink, he spilled 99% of it on the floor right in front of the soda machines.  Sigh.  If you've ever been to Costco on a Friday during lunch time, it's like the Audubon in front of the soda machines.  I quickly start mopping up the mess with paper towels.   A gentleman with a full shopping cart of his own saw the whole thing happen.  He quickly stepped into action and got down on his hands and knees right along with me with paper towels and started helping me wipe up the mass amount of liquid among the crowd.  I was so appreciative of his kindness.

To the nice man at Costco, a sincere thank you.  You were not only helpful with the mess, you helped teach my son a lesson about kindness.  Kindness does indeed count, there are nice, kind people in this world. Thank you.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

An Abstract Piece

According to its creator, this piece is titled "Snowman at Night."
Max was very proud of his creation.
I've learned to appreciate the abstract nature of his art.

Friday, January 6, 2017


Carmen loves library day and has been coming home with some great books--books about holidays, early reader books in lots of variety, fun story books, etc.  Today was library day and she came home with a 144-page book on Minnesota.  Yes, Minnesota.  Interesting choice.  When asked why Minnesota, it was obvious, the cover looked like a castle.  I guess I can't fault her.  This week we will learn about anything and everything there is to know about Minnesota--it's economy, land, government and first people.  Can't wait!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Here's to a happy, healthy, prosperous, fun, adventure-filled 2017!