Can't say enough great things about this beautiful island and spending it with our family of four.
We've been busy:
Lots of beach time--Hanalei, Tunnels, Poipu and Lydgate so far.
Both kids are loving the water and sand.
Max is the expert digger and sandcastle creator.
Carmen is the resident collector. Yes, two buckets of 'treasures' already!
We've been indulging in Spina-ladas (that's PiƱa colada Maxy speak).
Carmen in in love with fresh pineapple; her favorite fruit by far.
We've been at the pool every single day. Lots of smiles from the kids and us too since we don't have to go in every single time thanks to the wonderful invention of Puddle Jumpers.
We've also done a few toursisty things--Opaekaa Falls, Spouting Horn and of course a visit to the dry cave (we told the kids it was Puff's cave).
And, a little hula lesson for Carmen and myself. It's harder than it looks!
Kids are enjoying the sight of cockadoodle doos everywhere,
along with lots of little lizards and a sea turtle sighting.
The Garden Isle is living up to its name.
Its rained every day but we came prepared. Tropical rain, we'll take it.
Oh, and fish tacos. Jimmy is in heaven. Fresh fish tacos every night.
We've skipped naps and opted for more fun in the sun so we have tuckered out troops by the end of each day. Lots of good sleep getting ready for the day's next adventure.