Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Aloha from Kauai

Day 1: 

A very long flight from Seattle to Kauai with a squirmy one and a half year old.  I have to keep reminding myself that she is only one.  There were some blissful moments with iPad and snacks and then the mood turned...needless to say, the last two hours were a bit brutal and I had a few "that's not my child" moments.  But, we made it and have been enjoying the sunshine, the warm rain and the beauty of the ocean and the lush green surroundings.

Day 2:

A 5:15 AM wake up--far too early, but Carmen was still on Seattle time.  We started the day early and walked to our favorite little coffee shop where you not only get amazing lattes but a nice treat in your foam.  We then spent a lazy day at the condo with a trip to the pool as the main event.  Carmen wanted nothing to do with the water at first and refused to even stick her toes in.  She eventually came around and tentatively let us hold her in the water and play for a little bit.  She was far more interested in pointing and chasing the birds (a.k.a. chickens and roosters that are abundant everywhere on the island).

Day 3:

This time a 6:00 wake up and another trip to the coffee stand (it's a becoming a daily routine).   Carmen gets to chase the birds, run around the open air marketplace and wave to all of the other customers while mommy and daddy enjoy our coffee treat.  Then, its' off to the playground which is on our walk home.  We took Carmen to the beach today and discovered that our little princess does not like sand on her feet.  We made the mistake of taking her shoes off so we could walk on the beach and you would think we were trying to tourture her.  She refused to touch the sand with her feet and insisted on being carried the entire way.  Who is this child?  Certainly not mine. The trip to the beach was a quick one and we spent the rest of the afternoon walking around Hanalei and looking in the shops.  Today Carmen discovered the wonderful taste of P.O.G juice and now always requests that we stop by the front desk to get a cup before we go on our daily adventures. 

Day 4:

We went to another beach today and fared much better with Carmen's sand phobia.  We learned our lesson and kept Carmen's shoes on.  She used her shovel and pail and made plenty of sand castles and actually put her feet in the water!  Hooray!  I thought it was going to be a very long vacation with no pool time and no beach time.  She just needed a little warming up.  I predict she will be a little fish before the trip is over.  She just likes to do things on her terms and on her timeline.

Day 5:

A pool day today.  We met our friends that are staying just down the street where there is an amazing kiddy pool.  Carmen sat on squirting turtles and enjoyed being in a pool just her size.  This time she got more adventurous and actually went into the water.  Then, pina coladas for the family.  A pint size Carmen version, a non-alcoholic version for mommy and a bit stronger and darker version for daddy. The perfect way to refresh after a day by the pool.

Day 6:

Starting the day off with a good breakfast and a coffee, of course. Then, off to the beach.  This time, no shoes required for Carmen on the sand!  Maybe her sand phobia is passing.  She continued to perfect her sand castle making and even wanted to get her toes in the surf.  She would run toward  the water when the tide went out only to be confused when it came back.  It's fun to watch her little wheels turning as she tries to figure out life's big mysteries.

  Day 7:

More pool time...eating fresh pineapple...and chasing the "cockas."

Day 8:

Today we moved condo locations.  It was the perfect day to move since the weather was a bit overcast and rainy.  Although, any rain here is a good rain, a nice warm rain.  As we were waiting for our other condo to be ready, we brought our lunch poolside and ended up taking a few bites before retreating back to get out of the rain.  We made it just in time but as it usually does, the shower lasted just a few minutes before the blue sky and sun were back.  After we moved in, we discovered two unexpected house guests in our new 'home'--two geckos.  Since they have been known to be a sign of good luck, we didn't chase the little guys out.

Day 9:

A lazy pool day at the new condo. This pool is bigger than the last one and is perfect for kiddos. Each day in the water Carmen is getting more and more comfortable and adventurous. Getting her into her suit and all lotioned up is also getting more routine and she puts up a fight less and less. She now likes to rub in the suntan lotion and then put it on mommy and daddy. Today she was a great little swimmer and even put on her life-jacket (a.k.a floaty) and bobbed up and down in the pool. Later in the day we took a nice walk to the swanky Princeville hotel to take a peek. Carmen conked out during the stroller ride as we admired the breathtaking ocean views, green mountains and grandiose hotel surroundings. Maybe we'll stay there next time...

Day 10:

A slow start to the day. Finally, a 7:00 wake up. Hallelujah! It's the first time Carmen has slept past 6:30 the entire trip. We sauntered over to the pool for some swim time and then ventured north to Tunnels beach for a walk and some play time in the sand. Carmen especially liked trying to burry daddy's flip-flops in the sand. We finished the day with some killer fish tacos, which Jimmy can't get enough of. Carmen was enthusiastic about the fish too and gobbled up everything on her plate. Like father like daughter.

Day 11:

Another lovely beach day today.  The weather was a bit iffy up North so we headed South and found the sunshine after a nice lunch out.  Carmen kept saying 'wa wa, wa wa'--which means she sees water, lots of it, and was eager to go in it.  She enjoyed playing in the waves and building more sand castles adorned with pieces of shells we found on the beach along with a few sticks.  Carmen also discovered how to say the word 'treat' this trip and we've been taking lots of 'treat' breaks in-between swimming and playing.

Day 12 (Happy 4th of July):

We had a lazy morning and strolled to the coffee shop and admired the scenery along the way.  There are some incredibly beautiful trees with colored bark and, of course, plenty of brilliant tropical flowers.  We celebrated in the evening with a dinner of fish tacos and then went to Hanalei beach to watch the sunset and watch the locals set-off fireworks.  It was the perfect evening and we had a front row seat for the festivities.  Carmen was awestruck by all of the activity and liked watching the pretty colors of the fireworks.  Luckily it was someone's bed time so we left just in time before the rain--this time it lasted for quite a while so the timing work beautifully.

Day 13:

Today was our last full day (sniff, sniff).  We spent today walking the beach and watching the waves, playing in the sand and taking one more trip to the park.  It's truly amazing how quickly two weeks can go but I can say with confidence that we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and had a wonderful time.  It was so great to spend this time together as a family.  Carmen learned a lot during this trip, is saying some new words, can now sit quite well in a 'big girl seat' (no highchair required), is more comfortable in the water and had many moments where she stole our heart.  Her absolute favorite thing this trip was seeing all of the birds and roosters/chickens; she couldn't get enough.  You think the novelty would wear off since you see them at every turn, but not for our little girl.  She enthusiastically shouts out 'bird' and 'cocka' and points and runs after them.  To commemorate her love for the crowing creatures, we broke down and bought her a rooster stuffed animal.  Actually, there was no convincing needed for daddy, it was me who needed some convincing.  Did she really need a stuffed chicken?  Well, she couldn't be happier now that she has a new friend and a new companion for Lamby.  She's been smiling ear to ear ever since she got her own 'cocka.' Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One and a half

Who can believe it—one and half today!  Just 18 short months ago you came into our lives.  It’s been an amazing 18 months with so many things learned (for both you and for us).  It’s incredible to see you grow and learn each day.  You continue to keep us on our toes with your spirited personality.  You are really coming into your own and certainly know what you like and what you don’t and aren’t afraid to let it be known.

You’re our little firecracker—so full of energy but also so full of love.  You continue to shower us with kisses.  When we are playing or reading a story you’ll often just stop and purse out your lips for a kiss and then go back to whatever you’re doing.  It’s times like that when my heart melts.  However, there are other moments, like when you refuse to ride in your car seat and are kicking and squirming and just won’t sit still.  I’ve tried every bribe I can think of, but still it doesn’t work.  You are too smart for me sometimes.  You are also going through a phase where for whatever reason you don’t like to get dressed or have your diaper changed.  You run around your room half nudie and try and hide in the corner until I’m forced to come and get you.  Eventually you always cooperate but it’s usually on your terms.  You certainly are giving me good learning moments to exercise my patience.  I guess I have no one to blame but myself as your little stubborn personality is similar to my own. So in that case, what’s not to love.
Your vocabulary is continuing to grow and you are becoming quite the little sponge.  When we make a funny noise you often try and repeat it, which is both endearing and so funny.  We try and get you to repeat some words and your version is always close, but not quite there yet.  You are learning and I’m sure you will be a little chatterbox before too long.

There are a few new things that you absolutely adore.  One is running outside and shooing the ducks out of the pond with daddy.  You often go to the back door, point to your shoes because you want to go outside, and say ‘shoo.’  You love collecting treasures which are usually rocks and pinecones.  You have also become quite fond of the salad spinner, even when we are not washing lettuce.  You love to play with this contraption and watch the bowl spin round and round and then try and make it quickly stop by pushing the button. You love the park and going down the slides, you love Elmo and talk about the little red monster constantly.  You think Elmo is what the television is called and you will enthusiastically point at the screen and say ‘Elmo, Elmo, Elmo’ because you want to watch TV, not necessarily to see Elmo.  You like to dance and it’s so funny to see your moves.  You usually do the ‘chicken wing’ with just your right arm and enthusiastically bounce up and down.  You have a new tricycle that has a little compartment in the back just the perfect size for transporting Lamby.  You continue to be attached to this little lamb…almost too attached.  Morning, noon and night you want to hold and be close to Lamby, you talk about him often but you do give the little guy so much love.  More kisses and hugs and pats than I can count each day.  The other thing you like to do is page through magazines and point out the babies and the items you know.  You like to point to babies when we are out and about and enthusiastically wave and say hello.  You are not shy. You are happy and sweet with your big toothy grin.
Hooray for being 18 months today, hooray for being our little girl who we love so much.  We can’t wait to see what develops over the next 18 months. 


Goodbye rain, thin layers and hoodies…hello sunshine, short sleeves, open toed shoes and fun, colorful hats.  We have waited a long time for your arrival; we look forward to playing at the park and at the beach.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

To Daddy:

My Daddy Is The Greatest

My daddy is the greatest;
The best dad there ever was.
He always brings me lots of joy;
He's my very own Santa Claus.

My daddy can do anything;
He's smart as smart can be.
I love to walk and hold his hand
To show he belongs to me.

I love my daddy!

~By Karl Fuchs

Love, Carmen

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

3 pounds

No, not the amount of weight I've gained this's the amount of gummy bears I'll soon be consuming.  I had no willpower, I broke down and bought myself another three pound bag of the tasty treats.

Goodnight, Friends

Carmen just loves to wrap up her animal friends in blankets, burp cloths, bandannas; pretty much whatever she can get her hands on.  She lovingly 'swaddles' them, pats them and gives them plenty of kisses.  Tonight before bedtime she just had to tuck them all in together as one big happy family.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


This morning Carmen decided she just had to have my cereal, bowl and spoon instead of her own.  She did surprising well with the spoon and it just made her oh so happy to be eating out of mommy's cereal bowl, so I did what any good parent would do, I gave in.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend Festivities

We had a busy but fun weekend. 

Among the highlights: a trip to the park where Carmen went down the slide by herself for the first time. Quite the accomplishment. She enthusiastically said, "more, more, more" and continued to climb up and slide down multiple times.  Her second favorite activity at the park is the swings.  She likes to go high and always has a smile plastered on her face while her hair stands on end.  A close second to the swings is picking flowers from the grass where this weekend she actually tried to eat a buttercup but thankfully she promptly spit it out.  Geez...we have to watch her every move.  She's getting a tad too adventurous for her own good.

The more important highlight of the weekend was supporting cousin Katie at her Relay for Life event to fight cancer.  We walked several laps to support the cause and Carmen enjoyed running around the track sporadically, dropping pennies in team Katie's bucket after each lap, dancing to the live music and hanging out with her cousins, Auntie and Uncle.