Another month gone already and my how quickly you are turning into a ‘big kid.’ You are starting to do so many big girl things and it’s incredible to watch the transformation right before our eyes. It seems as though you will be struggling with something one day and the next day you’ll have it mastered.
One of our new discoveries this month is that you can stand on your own…it took a crib mishap and a ‘Carmen overboard’ moment to figure out real quick that you’re strong enough and determined enough to put this new skill into action. Speaking of strength, Velcro is no match for our girl. The moment a bib goes on, you immediately yank it off. We’ve resorted to feeding you without a bib because when we try and use the ones with snaps, you still try and yank it off and your little face turns red and you start to shake from trying so hard to remove it.
You still gobble up most anything that passes your high chair tray and mom’s ‘ah ha’ moment came this month when she discovered that Cheerios have magic powers. When we need to keep you occupied or if you’re getting fussy, you couldn’t be happier with a handful of these round things and you sit and eat them one by one with your tiny little finger and thumb.
Finally, after more than three months of ‘rabbit teeth’ you have another tooth coming in on top. At the moment, it appears there is only one…what a fantastic jack-o-lantern you will make just in time for Halloween.
You are starting to be oh so vocal and there are lots of mmm sounds and some mammas coming from your lips. Pretty soon you are going to start stringing those sounds into words and it’s fun to think about what your first official word will be.
You love to play games and we find ourselves constantly on the floor ‘chasing’ you as you commando crawl like the wind across the room to hide. And, my do you smile and laugh. I’m smiling just thinking about your smile and how happy you are and how happy you make us.