Saturday, April 30, 2011

10 little toes

This week Carmen discovered her feet.  She will sit for quite a while happily grabbing at her feet and  contently looking at her 10 toes trying to figure out exactly what to make of them. She lays on her back and tries to grab both feet with her hands which often results in her falling over to her side which makes me laugh because she is concentrating so hard.  This new found flexibility has also allowed her to figure out how to pull her socks off.  Last night when she went to bed she had two socks on (daddy picked out jammies with no feet, requiring socks to keep her toes warm).  In the morning, both socks were off and hidden under her blanket.  She is quite the magician...can't wait to see what her next trick will be.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Carmen's first Easter was jammed packed:

She saw the Easter bunny.  Checked out the goodies in her basket.  Went to church where she was on her best behavior.  Then, off to Grandma & Grandpa's for an egg hunt and visiting with all of her aunties, uncles and cousins. was a busy day for Little C but it certainly was a good one.  Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4 months

At four months:
I love that when I peek over your crib and go to pick you up in the morning how you give the biggest, sweetest smile. You can roll from your tummy to your back at lightning speed.  Just yesterday you rolled over from your back to your tummy for the first time; you have the much needed leg kick down pat.  You laugh out loud and giggle when daddy makes funny faces at you. Your feet are becoming ticklish.  You still have old main hair but it’s starting to fill in. When we are holding you, you despise sitting still and want us to walk around so you can see what’s going on in the world.  You love playing with your fingers and more often than not they are in your mouth, along with anything else you can get your hands on. Your pacifier is still out and your thumb continues to be in.  Can’t wait for what next month brings.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Back to work...

I’ve been so fortunate to spend four incredible months with Carmen, but now it’s time for me to go back to work.  I certainly have mixed emotions.
I will be working Mondays and Wednesdays and we are lucky that Carmen will be spending those days with Grandma Skurski.  We know she is in good hands.   I think it will be a good balance for me but oh how I’ll miss my Little C.  It will certainly make Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays even more special and make me appreciate those full days together even more.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Go Sounders!

Today Carmen attended her first Sounders game. The first of many to come.  Luckily, they pulled out a victory, the first one of the season.  Perhaps Carmen is the team's new good luck charm?!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Home Again

Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa yesterday and leave the heavenly Arizona sunshine.  The three of us enjoyed three full weeks of a relaxing vacation--Carmen and I took daily walks with Grandma and got to see lots of cactus, Jimmy played numerous rounds of golf and was my Dad's partner in the annual tournament, we ate like kings, took Carmen to the pool, went for a bike ride and just enjoyed visiting and soaking up the rays.  While vacation is never long enough, it's nice to be home and we are lucky my parents are coming back up to Seattle for a visit this summer.