Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

A very Merry Christmas and joyous day to family and friends near and far.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Goodbye layers and thin fleece jackets. Hello warm snuggly hats, footy pajamas, big puffy coats, gloves and mittens.  We welcome you Winter with open arms.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

One Year

One year old. 365 days we have spent together but looking back, each day has gone so fast. A reminder to live in the moment and to appreciate each and every day.  Oh how our lives have changed but never have we been so happy.  You light up the room with your big, toothy grin and when you laugh out loud it warms my heart.  It’s my favorite sound.  You are learning and starting to understand the world around you.  You are inquisitive and thoughtful.  You concentrate and are determined.  You can climb a big flight of stairs in no time flat and then have no problem trying to come back down head-first.  You are fearless.  You love to grab objects one-by-one and load them into your arms until there is no room left and you can do this over and over again.  Getting dressed and having your diaper changed are activities much more tolerated than in the past and you even try and help sometimes.  However, when your coat goes on you know that it’s ‘car seat time.’  Historically, not your favorite.  Although, lately it’s been taking only one animal cracker instead of a handful to coerce you into your seat.  I must admit we have been parenting with snacks but sometimes you do what you have to do.  You still love to eat and are trying to master the use of a fork and spoon.  It’s a work in progress which involves you often times using the opposite end of the fork to squish the bean or pea on your tray.  You know the sign for ‘more’ and ‘all done’ and every time you hear the word ‘yay’ you enthusiastically clap your hands together. You love music and wave your hands around like you are conducting when you hear a tune.  You continue to pull yourself up to standing on anything in your path but no walking yet. I can wait, as those of you who know you well say you will be running before you learn to walk.  You are full of energy but you also love to snuggle.  You give the most wonderful hugs and kisses.  We continue to be in awe and fall in love with you more and more each day (if that’s possible). 
Happy Birthday to our Christmas Miracle.  Happy you.  Happy being one.  Happy everything.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Tomorrow Carmen will be one.  I still can't believe it. In honor of the big one-year milestone, her daycare treated her to a day of royalty.  She was given a necklace, crown and birthday cape to wear.  She dined on cookies in the shape of a C.  They made her a banner and the big kids made cards.  She was the recipient of a Happy Birthday certificate commemorating the occasion and was given a very special stuffed snowgirl that she has barely put down. What a wonderful day for her and for me too, as I got to witness much of the Birthday hoopla.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Candy Cane Lane

For as long as I can remember, Jim and I have gone to 'Candy Cane Lane' each holiday season with a coffee in-hand to take in the neighborhood light display.  This year we were thrilled to introduce Carmen to the tradition (no coffee for her just yet).  She was wide-eyed for most of the short walk and thoroughly enjoyed pointing at all of the candy canes and waving to the giant snowmen.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday Swing

The holiday festivities are in full swing at the Skurski household.  The outside lights are up, the Dicken's village is strategically placed on the mantle, the tree is decorated, the Elf is on the shelf, holiday jammies are being worn, the downtown carousel has been ridden, we saw the gingerbread houses, Carmen had an early visit from Santa (a big bottom lip came out and there were a few tears) indication we many need a practice run or two before we take her to see Santa for her picture.

Phew, a busy time but so much fun. 


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Turkey Day

So much to be thankful for...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

11 Months

11 months today!  You are moving, moving, moving and are into EVERYTHING.  You are exploring, investigating and observing every little thing and are starting to recognize the names of objects.  You are less interested in your toys and more interested in the TV remote control, our cell phones, the land line phone and of course the computer.  You have figured out which remote control is the ‘fake’ one that doesn’t turn anything on.  You bypass that one and go right for the main control.  That’s our girl…  Your new favorite activity is to empty every single item out of your toy box.  It makes quite a mess but it keeps you entertained. You continue to pull yourself to standing on anything you can get your hands on, including people.  You are practicing your steps by furniture surfing and are getting quite good.  We are waiting for your first official unassisted step any time.  To help you along, we bought you your very first pair of walking shoes.  You have managed to figure out how to pull the Velcro and take them off.  You then proceed to pull your socks off too (but sometimes just your left one).  On occasion, you pull so hard that you hit yourself in the face with the fist that is holding your sock.  It’s so funny to watch and it’s hard not to laugh hysterically. You finally are crawling on all 4’s and your little knees are red from the constant movement.  You would think all of this activity would tucker you out, but so is not the case.  While you still enjoy a good nap most of the time, you still don’t want to sleep through the night quite yet.  My theory is that you love mommy and daddy so much that you can’t bear not seeing us for a good 10 hours.  Hopefully you will get wise and change your mind as we could use a full night sleep.  You still love to eat but now that you’ve had the chance to taste lots of different foods, you are becoming picky in your old age.  No longer do you gobble up every veggie; you definitely have a preference for meat—chicken, steak, turkey, hamburger, pork.  It doesn’t matter what kind, you love meat.  You also love animal crackers.  You were introduced to them this month and can’t get enough.  We have to use these ‘crackers’ to bribe you to get into your car seat.  For some reason you dislike your car seat and think it some kind of torture devise by the way you protest.  However, an animal cracker or two seems to do the trick and make it ok after all.  It’s been so much fun seeing your personality develop over these last 11 months and we love it all, we love everything about you, quirks and sleepless nights included.  Much love to our 11 month-old Carmen J.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


While not his usual look, Jimmy is sporting a mustache in support of Movember, a campaign to help raise awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer.  Please feel free to poke fun at the bristles under his nose, but rest assured they are there for a reason.

Mustache for a cause.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Carmen has six--three on the top and three on the bottom. 

Daddy lost four today--no more Wisdom teeth.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday to the best daddy ever.  I'm so glad I get to spend the day with you today. You are so much fun and I love everything about you--the way we snuggle and watch EPL soccer on Saturday mornings, the funny faces you make and silly songs you sing to get me to laugh, the way you let me play with the remote control when mommy takes it away, and the list goes on.

I wish you a very happy birthday and love you very much!

10 Months

Happy 10 months to our little Carmen James.  What a fun month its been.  You have entered the sponge stage and are absorbing so much and becoming so expressive and interactive.  You’ve uttered a few words now and I’m sad to report that ‘daddy’ came out before ‘mommy’ (sigh…) but I can live with that. 
You continue to be a girl on the go and are constantly in motion.  If you were a superhero your name would be Destructo girl--you have no fear, dive head-first with gusto into everything and love to make a mess.  When I pick you up from daycare, the teacher always has a funny story or anecdote about what you did that day.  You are nothing less than entertaining.  While you play well with others and are well mannered, you love food and will ‘steal’ from the big kids at lunch time.  You’ve been spotted taking bites of grilled cheese sandwich from your neighbor and have been guilty of swiping a banana off their plate as well.  It’s simply amazing how much you can eat and that there is nothing you won’t try.  I’m beginning to believe that you have two hollow legs. 
With all of the eating, you have energy to learn new things—you ‘ve started associating clapping with music, you give the best high-5’s and make the funniest noises when trying to mimic animal sounds.  My favorite is your interpretation of a rooster.  You love to point and we find ourselves walking around the room going from one object to another so you can investigate what you see and find so interesting.  You are intrigued by the salad spinner and give the biggest smile and laugh when you see it go ‘round and ‘round.  I love how the little things make you so happy.  
You still are not crawling on all 4’s even though you can, and you still revert back to the commando crawl.  You are pulling yourself up on everything and most people would agree that you will probably start running before you start walking.  Look out world.  All of this activity does make you sleepy and you still love to cuddle and suck your thumb when you are ready for a rest.  Your beloved Lamby is never more than an arm’s reach away at bedtime and the poor thing has turned from pristine white to a muddled gray in some spots.  Let’s just say that he is well loved.  And, you my dear Carmen are well loved too.  What a gift you are for us each and every day.  

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Farm

Today we visited The Farm to select the perfect pumpkin for Carmen's first Halloween.  It was quite the adventure--we saw farm animals (one of the biggest pigs I've ever seen, llamas, calves, chickens and even a donkey), munched on kettle corn and navigated the vast pumpkin patch with a wheelbarrow.  It was the ideal way to spend the afternoon as a family and get into the Halloween spirit.

What are these smelly things?

Who knew that chickens had any relation to the tyrannosaurus-rex!
Big, friendly scarecrow.

Lots and lots of pumpkins.

I think we picked out a winner!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mommy and Me Yoga

Carmen and I are taking a mommy and me yoga class.  Truth be told, the yoga is really for mommy and Carmen is just along for the ride.  So far so good...she thoroughly enjoys playing with the yoga straps, crawling on to other's mats and exploring her surroundings, which consist of mirrored walls and a very inviting alter with some 'no touch' items.  In true Carmen fashion she has quickly become a ham bone. She often crawls up to the teacher and sits on her mat and then curiously looks around the room of women, some with their little babies.  The teacher graciously picks Carmen up when she happens to be directly under her feet and continues instructing without missing a beat.  Carmen has also made a new friend in the class and they sit and stare at one another and then play follow the leader.  Today I had to 'remove' Carmen from the little girl's diaper bag more times than I can count, as my darling daughter was trying to steal her shoes and her sippy cup.

While the relaxation and namastes are not quite as tranquil with Carmen in tow, I'm happy to be back doing yoga and it's so much fun being together.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Feed Me

Our little Carmen likes to eat!  Although, by the way she is going after the spoon in the picture below, you would think we never feed her.

A summary of her likes and dislikes in no particular order...

Likes: applesauce, bananas, carrots, butternut squash, black beans, sweet peas, pears, mango, kidney beans, chicken, nectarines, peaches, yams, avocado, tomato, spinach, potatoes, green beans, oatmeal and, of course, anything in the cheerio/puff snack family.

Dislikes: Nada, zip, zero, zilch (at least for now)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Light the Night

We were honored to walk with cousin Katie on her 'Survivor Sisters' team this weekend at the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night walk. 

Team 'Survivor Sisters'
The true Survivors
Yay Cousin Katie!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Goodbye short sleeves, sun hats and bare feet. Hello hooded sweatshirts, lots of layers and cozy socks. Welcome Fall, we are glad you are here.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fashion Plate

No, Carmen did not dress herself today.  However, she did spend the entire day in this mismatch of an outfit.  On the way to daycare this morning little Miss Carmen had a blowout, the first time in months. Luckily there was an extra onesie in the diaper bag...but not one that complimented the polka dot pants.

I was slightly embarrassed to drop off my Punky Brewster at daycare.  It was just one of those mornings but it all worked out in the end and I smiled all day seeing her in such a silly ensemble.