Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

A Halloween tradition, carving pumpkins with the Bendiksen's.

Choose your pumpkin wisely. 

Even Anna got in on the carving action this year. 
What a big helper, she loved scooping out the pumpkin guts.
The final product.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Happy Birthday to the love of my life. Today is about celebrating you. Another year passed, but so much to look forward to!  Can't wait for what is next. 

I love you very much.  Enjoy your day.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I love my belly.  It is ever expanding and a wonderful reminder of the miracle happening inside.  I rub and talk to it often, letting our little one know how much she is loved. Jimmy sings her the occasional Christmas tune getting her prepared for her holiday arrival and she usually enthusiastically responds with a kick or an elbow.  Not exactly sure if that is her way of communicating she likes the music or if she is telling him to stop singing...he's hoping for the former.  Regardless, every kick, punch and movement is treasured.

17 weeks

18 weeks

21 weeks

25 weeks

27 weeks

29 weeks and counting...